Class OverlappingDetections


public class OverlappingDetections extends AbstractDetections
This class allows to compute and manage double/triple/multiple positive detections. It does so by leveraging AbstractDetections interface
  • Field Details

  • Constructor Details

    • OverlappingDetections

      public OverlappingDetections(AbstractDetections control, Collection<AbstractDetections> others, boolean compute, qupath.lib.objects.hierarchy.PathObjectHierarchy hierarchy) throws NoCellContainersFoundException
      Creates an instance of overlapping detections
      control - the detections used to check whether the other detections are overlapping between them and the control
      others - the other detections
      compute - if true, it will delete any previous overlap and compute the overlap between detections. If false, it will try to retrieve pre-computed ovarlappings
      hierarchy - where to find/compute the overlapping detections
      NoCellContainersFoundException - if no pre-computed overlappings were found in the given hierarchy
    • OverlappingDetections

      public OverlappingDetections(AbstractDetections control, Collection<AbstractDetections> others, qupath.lib.objects.hierarchy.PathObjectHierarchy hierarchy) throws NoCellContainersFoundException
      Creates an instance based on pre-computed overlapping detections
      control - the detections used to check whether the other detections are overlapping between them and the control
      others - the other detections
      hierarchy - where to find the overlapping detections
      NoCellContainersFoundException - if no pre-computed overlappings were found in the given hierarchy
  • Method Details

    • createAllOverlappingClassNames

      public static List<String> createAllOverlappingClassNames(List<String> primitiveClasses)
      Creates all the names of the possible overlaps between the given PathClasses names
      primitiveClasses - a list of PathClasses names
      a list combinations of the given primitiveClasses, delimited by OVERLAP_DELIMITER
    • getContainersName

      public String getContainersName()
      Specified by:
      getContainersName in class AbstractDetections
      the name used by the containers of detections of the instance kind